Replace Silicone Glaze and oil or other release agents with a lower cost, environmentally friendly solution.
• Guaranteed releases on BCS Bun Pan coatings deliver as many as 12 times the life of silicone glaze for a fraction of the cycle cost.
• Your savings translate directly to the bottom line through increased product flow, lower rejects rates, lower energy costs and lower administration and handling costs.
• All coatings are in compliance with FDA and other food-contact regulatory agencies around the world and made PFOA free.
• Custom engineered coatings for your unique applications including pretzel buns, gluten-free buns, egg wash, and any other “sticky” dough.
• Generates superior dough flow for a perfect bake every time.
• RAPID lead times – get your pans back in days, not months.
X-COAT™ Recoating process resurfaces existing coating giving the pan a second life for a fraction of the cost of regular strip and recoating.
• Reduces the $/cycle even more than a regular coating vs. silicone glaze.
• X-Coat savings will pay for your next set of pans.
• PFOA free, the green solution to pan coating.